Friday, January 2, 2015

A New Year and the 30 in 30 Event

The 30 paintings in 30 days event is sponsored by a West Coast artist, Leslie Saeta. I participated last year.  It helped me organize my studio more efficiently and improved my painting because ideas that occurred to me could be implemented in the next painting.  It's so easy to forget.

If you are interested in seeing all the paintings, and there are almost 700 when I last visited, go to   Day Two is already being posted since the event started on New Year's Day.  I was at the best party in years, so I'll catch up (maybe)

Last year I painted landscapes from photos.  This year's subject matter will be simpler for two reasons.  The first is that I have physical therapy three times a week as well as a home program following a surgery.  The second is that I am following advice in Carol Marine's new book "Daily Painting".  Her instructions involve very simple subject matter.  So here is Apple One.

Apple One
Oil  6" x6"


                                          May we all have a peaceful and fulfilling New Year.

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