Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 22 - Figure Drawing

A new event here, figure drawing once a month.  Had to set the apples aside for that.  And what a surprise a mother with a 10 month old baby who was stunned by all the attention, not a peep out of him for two hours.  The poses were short.  I wish I could have captured the endearing facial expressions, so fleeting, only a few seconds.

Pastel Pencil 

I was delighted to meet a group of young women who come to this rural area to serve as interns on the local organic farms, one from as far as Sweden.   They jokingly are planning a reality show called "Interns of the South Toe" (which is the name of our mountain stream, a good part of the humor).


  1. What a wonderful sketch, love this composition. Funny, at the life drawing group around here, I wish the poses were shorter! I think you have captured the essence, and what a bonus that the baby was there, too...
