Monday, January 12, 2015

Day Twelve- Another Background

This painting was an attempt to enliven the background because I found earlier paintings bland.  The traditional draped background Carol Marine warns against, as too complex for small paintings.  So I've been trying other things, and here's another.

Apple Six
Oil on Gessoed Paper 6 x 6

This was shot with a new camera.  The optics are much better.  I can see that it has the same effect as painting one wall of the kitchen, it shows that all the walls need to be done and I need much better lighting.  Both for painting so I can see the brushstrokes more clearly and for shooting so that the light is more diffused.  Carol Marine recommends shooting under an open porch to get that diffused light, but I don't have that.


  1. So great to see you experimenting, and I am looking forward to hearing more about your new camera. I think I need one, too! Are you eating all these apples?? I think a two-toned apple is particularly hard to portray with form, but you are doing a really good job at it...

  2. Juicy brush strokes, Laurel! I'm so stingy with my paint, my brush strokes are hard to see. (another thing I'm working on!)

  3. Love love your brush strokes. Great texture and love it. Like Meredith, a two-toned apple is hard for me too, but your apple look very nice !

  4. Thanks ladies. The apples are fun. I was at figure drawing last night, a mother and baby, really endearing, Hope to post tomorrow, then back to the easel.
